Cultural Appropriation and Cultural Appreciation. What is the difference?

Manuel Hatfield
4 min readApr 4, 2021

by Manuel Hatfield

According to Oxford Languages, Cultural Appropriation is “the unacknowledged or inappropriate adoption of the customs, practices, ideas, etc. of one people or society by members of another and typically more dominant people or society”. It is one thing when someone, say a white person, were to dress up in traditional Mexican garments and dresses during celebrations of Mexican culture. Also, to understand the significance of the celebration and its meaning. It is completely different to be ignorant of the culture and still act like you are part of it. If you do not understand this example, I am not being condescending, I have another example. It is one thing for a non-Japanese person to still watch anime, keep in touch with Japanese people, speak/write the language, cook the type of food, and respect Japanese culture while still keeping touch with their own. It is completely different when a non-Japanese person claims to be part of that ethnic group just because they watch anime, eat sushi, collect ninja/samurai weapons, and make complete fools of themselves by practicing “jutsus” in public.

Unfortunately, there is a problem with identifying cultural appropriation vs cultural appreciation. The leftists in America has twisted the minds of many young people to believe that when a white person were to dress up for special cultural occasions, they are deemed as derogatory against a specific culture. Cinco de Mayo is a special celebration that was established to remember when the Mexican Army defeated the French in 1862. The battle that the Mexicans won is called the Battle of Puebla. It is similar to, but not exactly the same as, the celebration of July 4th when the United States declared its independence from Britain in 1776. Both celebrations signify victory. Take note that Cinco de Mayo is NOT “Mexican Independence Day”. Cinco de Mayo is a very special event and anyone can be a part of it. However, according to the left, you have to be a Mexican in order to properly celebrate it. If you are white and you dress up in traditional garments and wear a sombrero during the occasion, you are deemed as being derogatory against Mexicans. It does not matter to the leftists if you know the meaning of the celebration, you have to be a certain ethnic group in order to participate in certain cultural events. Henceforth, you are also racist if you are not part of that ethnic group. Or when a white person considers wearing dreadlocks to try out a new hairstyle, they are deemed as racist and derogatory against people of African decent. Let’s fact check that real quick. Dreads have been used by Vikings, Germanic people, Aztecs, and other indigenous tribes from multiple continents all over the world for centuries. Speedy Gonzalez is a cartoon rodent with a Spanish accent who wears a white shirt and trousers that is a common outfit worn in rural parts of Mexican villages. Gonzalez also wears a sombrero, boots, and a red handkerchief that is similar to that of certain traditional Mexican attire. However, due to the absurd “teachings” by the leftists, Speedy Gonzalez was cancelled because they deemed the character as an example of cultural appropriation. Leftists in America plague the minds of many young individuals. They preach diversity but shut down those who show acknowledgement for ethnic groups that are not their own. They preach of cultural appreciation but they lack appreciation for their own American culture by titling it “racist”, “oppressive”, and “exclusive”.

Cultural Appreciation is when someone who is not part of another ethnic group, shows respect, knowledge, and admiration of a culture that is not their own. I am a white male who is currently learning Spanish in High School. I respect the language because it is unique, challenging to learn, and is a very important language when living in places in the United States with a lot of Spanish influence (California, New Mexico, Texas, and Arizona). I also am a big fan of modern and ancient Japanese culture. Not only is the cultural food the best, but the lifestyle, language and the diversity of dialects, Shinto religion, and the history of Japan is what interested me for a while. I respect Chinese religions like Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism. I understand the importance of Chinese New Year which celebrates and honors household and family deities while also respecting ancestors. It also is a period of good luck, wishes for prosperity, and kindness towards another. People of all ethnic groups should be able wear traditional attire to special religious events hosted by the Jewish population. Everyone should be able to learn about and celebrate Cinco de Mayo. Everyone should be able to celebrate Chinese New Year. Everyone should be able to be a part of Brazilian Carnaval. Everyone should be a part of any of those things without being harassed for “cultural appropriation”. Do not be put into categories on what cultural events you can and cannot participate in based on your ethnicity because of the misused term of cultural appropriation. Do not be hindered on learning and being a part of a different culture.

